26th FAI World Aerobatic Championship
WAC2011 – Foligno Italy – August 31 / September 11, 2011
26th FAI World Aerobatic Championships is completed, all programs were flown.
Czech Aerobatic team
M.Šonka, M.Hyka, P.Kopstein, J.Adamec, J.Rozlivka.
Team Manager:
Sthislav Bajzik
Aleš Staněk
Safely in the mountains with the Mountain Rescue Service
We bring a photo gallery of sports and entertainment event „Safely in the mountains with the Mountain Rescue Service“, held in Prague in the Harfa Gallery on 12 – 13 December 2010.
The visitors could see demonstration of mountain rescue services and participate in lectures about child safety and staying in the mountains. Jan Rozlivka lectured about safety in the sky.
This event was organized by dfSports company.
Czech Sport Aircraft – S Kuřetem do oblak
On 27 – 28 August 2010 in the Moravská Třebová Aerobatic center took place a benefit concert and for children and the public there was an airshow organized by dfSports.
Visitors of this event had the opportunity to watch aerobatic flights of Jan Rozlivka, the representative of the Czech Republic and aerobatic champion powered in the cathegory Unlimited and gliders as well.
EAC 2010 Toužim
On 2 – 12 September 2010 took place in Toužim 17th European Aerobatics Championships 2010. This race, which was accompanied by adverse weather, brought together more than fifty pilots from fifteen European countries.
World Advanced Glider Aerobatic Championships in Finland
The Championships were a success attracting nearly 60 pilots in Advanced and Unlimited categories and particularly noteworthy was the involvement of many new, young pilots in FAI Aerobatic Championship competition.
Jan Rozlivka was placed on 12th place.
read more:
Czech Republic glider aerobatic championship in the cathegory Unlimited
Between 23 – 27 June 2010 took place in Moravská Třebová Czech Republic glider aerobatic championship in the cathegory Unlimited.
Jan Rozlivka was placed on 2nd. place.
Czech Republic aerobatic championship powered in the cathegory Unlimited
Between 17 – 20 June 2010, at the airport in Jindřichův Hradec took place the Czech Republic aerobatic championship powered in the cathegory Unlimited.
Jan Rozlivka became a CR Champion.